The empathy gap exists between the benefits of empathy and the ability of leaders to deliver it. Organizations can take simple actions to close the gap.
A Kindness Pandemic
In times of crisis, kindness becomes even more important in our daily interactions at work. Connect to others by spreading kindness with these actions.
Your Kindness Experiment Week 4: Be Inclusive
In Week 4 of the Kindness Experiment, focus on how to be inclusive at work. Make your company a great place for everyone to contribute.
Your Kindness Experiment Week 3: Stop Complaining
In Week 3 of your Kindness Experiment, consciously stop complaining. Extend kindness to yourself and those around you through positive interactions.
Your Kindness Experiment Week 2: Tone & Body Language
Invest 5 minutes a day to create a better workplace. Join week 2 of your Kindness Experiment to monitor and control your tone of voice and body language.
Your Kindness Experiment Week 1: Common Courtesy
Invest 5 minutes a day to create a better workplace. Join week 1 of the Kindness Experiment to reinvigorate your kindness actions of common courtesy.
Linking Emotional Intelligence and Kindness
In an increasingly chaotic world, effective leaders display emotional intelligence and kindness. Learn how these critical skills can improve your workplace.
On kindness at work
Kindness can make the workplace happier and healthier for the givers and the recipients. Use these 5 tips to bring more kindness to work.
Four workplace lessons from the Great British Baking Show
From staying kind while competing to learning to improvise, the Great British Baking Show provides valuable workplace lessons.
Work Smarter: The Truth of Being Politically Correct
You see it every day. Someone makes an off-color joke and someone else gets offended. The joker immediately pushes back saying that the offended party is “too sensitive” or “it was just a joke” or “we’re just having fun”. The