Honored to be included in the November 2019 Leadership Development Carnival for my article ‘Invest in Self-Confidence to Develop Effective Leaders‘.
Sponsored by Lead Change, the monthly carnival re-posts leadership and productivity related blog posts from a variety of authors.
Check out some other posts by folks like Julie Winkle Giulioni, Joel Garfinkle, Chris Edmonds, David Grossman, Wally Bock, Shelley Row, Steve DiGiola, Jim Taggert, Beth Beutler, Jon Mertz, Eileen McDargh, Marcella Bremer, Randy Conley, Diana Peterson-More, Bill Treasurer, Bernd Geropp, Neal Burgis, Karin Hurt, Mark Brown, Robyn McLeod, Stephanie Skryzowski, Katrin Ratassepp, Mary Ila Ward, Mark Stelzner.
November 2019 Leadership Development Carnival