Women face a series of small biases and injustices at work that add up to a significant cumulative disadvantage. Do you experience any of these issues?
An inclusive workplace will improve your business and empower employees. These six thought starters will help you build a Diversity & Inclusion strategy.
Inclusion is about connecting to individuals, not stereotypes During an inclusion workshop, a younger colleague, let’s call her Alicia, said that she hated being called a Millennial. Alicia said the word “Millennial” is now used as an insult that has
Kathy Caprino at Forbes.com wrote a great article called The Unvarnished Truth About Being A Female Leader In Tech (May 17, 2019). The article profiled Rachel Mushahwar, a senior executive at Intel. Mushahwar discussed the challenges of being a woman
Fast Company shared an article called 6 Women Entrepreneurs on how they Handled the Worst Day of their Careers by Lindsay Tigar. Check it out for good examples of resilience and adaptability in the face of challenges – which are