Practice your leadership skills. How would you respond to this leadership scenario in which your team is facing impending layoffs?
Leadership Scenario: Your New Virtual Team
While practicing social distancing, you can also practice your leadership skills. What would you do in this leadership scenario for a new virtual team?
Your Kindness Experiment Week 6: Curb Judgmental Thinking
End your Kindness Experiment with the Week 6 actions to curb your judgmental thinking. Practice these actions to spread more acceptance and less shame.
Your Kindness Experiment Week 5: Life Outside Hierarchy
In Week 5 of the Kindness Experiment consider how work hierarchy determines how you treat people. Re-frame your thinking to see the person and not the job.
Your Kindness Experiment Week 4: Be Inclusive
In Week 4 of the Kindness Experiment, focus on how to be inclusive at work. Make your company a great place for everyone to contribute.
Your Kindness Experiment Week 3: Stop Complaining
In Week 3 of your Kindness Experiment, consciously stop complaining. Extend kindness to yourself and those around you through positive interactions.
Your Kindness Experiment Week 2: Tone & Body Language
Invest 5 minutes a day to create a better workplace. Join week 2 of your Kindness Experiment to monitor and control your tone of voice and body language.