In the continued fight for gender equality, International Women’s Day (#IWD2020) provides a time to recognize and celebrate women at work.
Cumulative Disadvantage
Women face a series of small biases and injustices at work that add up to a significant cumulative disadvantage. Do you experience any of these issues?
Are you coachable?
Before investing in leadership coaching, how do you determine if you are ready for it? In other words, how do you know if you are coachable?
Women face persistent barriers at work
Although women perform better, they are 17% more likely to derail. Research shows why women face persistent barriers at work.
Level 50 Life: Embrace the Adventure
Reaching Level 50, I adopted the motto ‘Embrace the Adventure’. Mid-life clarity unveiled the importance of contribution, connection and laughter.
Your Kindness Experiment Week 6: Curb Judgmental Thinking
End your Kindness Experiment with the Week 6 actions to curb your judgmental thinking. Practice these actions to spread more acceptance and less shame.
Your Kindness Experiment Week 5: Life Outside Hierarchy
In Week 5 of the Kindness Experiment consider how work hierarchy determines how you treat people. Re-frame your thinking to see the person and not the job.
February 2020 Leadership Development Carnival
Check out my article in the February 2020 Leadership Development Carnival titled ‘Build your Diversity & Inclusion strategy today’.
Your Kindness Experiment Week 4: Be Inclusive
In Week 4 of the Kindness Experiment, focus on how to be inclusive at work. Make your company a great place for everyone to contribute.
Your Kindness Experiment Week 3: Stop Complaining
In Week 3 of your Kindness Experiment, consciously stop complaining. Extend kindness to yourself and those around you through positive interactions.