In the post The Dark Side of Charisma, we looked at a research study that showed the importance for leaders to have the right amount of charisma. Too much or too little created problems. Seeking more insight about charisma Wanting
Continue the conversation about leadership, careers and workplace issues by checking out some of these other articles: Are you a sensation seeker? At, Prudy Gourguechon writes Do You Want To Be Happy In Your Work? This Is The One
You’ve probably experienced it – maybe just after vacation or holidays – or maybe every Sunday night. By “it”, I mean the stress of the back-to-work jitters. The jitters manifest in a sense of dread or racing thoughts or unreasonable
Inclusion is about connecting to individuals, not stereotypes During an inclusion workshop, a younger colleague, let’s call her Alicia, said that she hated being called a Millennial. Alicia said the word “Millennial” is now used as an insult that has
In this recent post, we discussed research that looked at the impact of transformational leadership on the followers. Hint – more is not always better! In honor of followers, I’d like to share the dancing guy video. Michael Hughes published